
Thursday, 5 May 2013

Today we take a brief look at the issues of how and why measuring Board effectiveness is so important. Stay out of jail? There is no doubt that we live in an increasingly litigious age and that directors and managers of companies are coming under ever increasing pressure to be accountable for their decisions. In a recent Sky News report […]


Saturday, 5 May 2013

Last time, we shared the first 5 in the 10 must-haves when using 360 degree feedback to conduct performance appraisals. Where there’s a part 1, there’s usually a part 2. Wait no longer – here’s 5 more elements to consider: 6. Rate the Behaviour not the Competence There’s sometimes a temptation to reduce response loading by rating overall areas of […]


Monday, 5 May 2013

The vast majority of clients that we work with use 360-degree feedback specifically for personal development. There are a few organisations that have adopted the processes and procedures for performance appraisals. We would always suggest that this should be approached with great care, and only after significant effort in developing the quality of the framework, understanding the culture of the […]