360° Feedback Research Library A comprehensive collection of independent, published 360° Feedback research

An online collection of published independent research on 360 Degree Feedback from around the world.

At CR Systems, we have over 20 years experience of creating 360 Degree Feedback products and services. Keeping up to date with research allows us to consider and develop best practice. To paraphrase Isaac Newton we stay on top of our game by standing on the shoulders of others!

To this end we keep the most complete collection (that we know of!) of 360 Feedback research reference in one location. It is there for you to browse and consider for yourselves. We find that it can help thinking and inform debate.

With over 100 articles summarised and classified, the tool allows you to search all the relevant peer-reviewed journal and PhD thesis material by topic, journal, date and author.

Whatever the topic, and whether you are a student, academic, or professional working in the field of HR, this tool will ensure your 360 Degree Feedback research is comprehensive.

We are always happy to be pointed to research that we may have missed, or if you feel there is a topic that needs adding or modifying.


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