Cost Calculator See how you can reduce time and cost for your 360 Degree Feedback

360 Assessment Cost Calculator

There are 3 main drivers of direct cost to an organisation when implementing 360 Degree Feedback:

1. The cost of the 360 Degree Feedback supplier
2. The direct employee cost of the time taken to complete the 360 Degree Feedback
3. The direct HR admin cost of the time to administer the 360 Degree Feedback
In this calculator we consider only drivers 1 and 2. We can provide several options for driver 3.


Play with the 360 Feedback cost variables!

Number of 360 Feedback reports?  




  Price of a 360 report?*feel free to compare!
Average annual salary of employees?  




  People involved per 360 Feedback report?

Hover here for formula
(Input number of subjects x input 360 feedback price) + [(input annual salary of employee/12 months/20 working days/8 hours x 40 mins) x input number of participants per 360 feedback]


Now see how we can save you time and cost?



On average Behave makes the 360 Assessment 15% more efficient! Behave is used as a preparation programme for the organisation to get better quality feedback, improve the process and examine the questionnaires prior to the 360 Assessment.

Saved 12 %

Hover here for formula
(Input number of subjects x Behave 360 Assessment price) + [(input annual salary of employee ÷ 12 months ÷ 20 working days ÷ 8 hours x 30 mins) x input number of participants per 360 Assessment]


360 Degree Feedback

With our most popular advance feature “multi-Q” interface, each feedback will save 20% of time! Use it along with Behave and save more than 30% of time per person per report! That’s a huge difference for organisational cost accumulated!

Saved 25 %

Hover here for formula
(Input number of subjects x CR360 multi-Q 360 feedback price) + [(input annual salary of employee ÷ 12 months ÷ 20 working days ÷ 8 hours x 25 mins) x input number of participants per 360 Assessment]



The power of Pulse lies beyond targeted personal development and ROI measurement for HR, it also saves up 80% of time in comparisons with doing another 360 Assessment all over again! And the cost per report is just £35, another saver!

Saved 75 %

Hover here for formula
(Input number of subjects x Pulse 360 Assessment price) + [(input annual salary of employee ÷ 12 months ÷ 20 working days ÷ 8 hours x 10 mins) x input number of participants per 360 Assessment]


360 Degree FeedbackPulse

The ultimate combo is tested to save more than 55% of time! This recommend process flow takes care of all the aspects of 360 Degree Feedback hence the efficiency and accuracy – discover the benefits through our no-commitment live demo!

Saved 50 %

Hover here for formula
(Input number of subjects x CR360 and Pulse feedback price) + [(input annual salary of employee ÷ 12 months ÷ 20 working days ÷ 8 hours x 35 mins) x input number of participants per 360 Assessment]