
Tuesday, 8 August 2019

Why 360 Degree Feedback is a waste of time 360 Degree Feedback Pros and Cons – Part 2 The Pros 360 Degree Feedback is the only way to measure behaviour within a business It is undeniable that there are a lot of issues with 360 degree feedback (see Part 1 of this two part article), however if you want to measure […]


Tuesday, 8 August 2019

Why 360 Degree Feedback is a waste of time – 360 Degree Feedback Pros and Cons Part 1 The Cons of 360 Degree Feedback 360 Degree Feedback measures the wrong things The first thing to understand about 360 degree feedback, and a significant number of companies don’t really get this, is that competency based effective 360 degree feedback measures behaviour, and […]