
Saturday, 5 May 2013

Last time, we shared the first 5 in the 10 must-haves when using 360 degree feedback to conduct performance appraisals. Where there’s a part 1, there’s usually a part 2. Wait no longer – here’s 5 more elements to consider: 6. Rate the Behaviour not the Competence There’s sometimes a temptation to reduce response loading by rating overall areas of […]


Monday, 5 May 2013

The vast majority of clients that we work with use 360-degree feedback specifically for personal development. There are a few organisations that have adopted the processes and procedures for performance appraisals. We would always suggest that this should be approached with great care, and only after significant effort in developing the quality of the framework, understanding the culture of the […]


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Find your weakest link I’ve talked a little about the cost of free products and those promising to be easy and simple in previous posts. I’ve discussed the importance of understanding your specific needs to work out requirements for selecting the right 360 degree feedback tool. But if you already use a 360 degree feedback system, you may be wondering […]


Saturday, 4 April 2013

E=MC2 is one of those fundamental equations that most people have heard of (even if they don’t understand it). It is a very simple equation that has had a profound effect on our world for almost a century. What has this got to do with Management Change (apart from the neat link with MC2 in the equation)? It is in […]


Monday, 4 April 2013

When free and easy and simple just don’t cut the mustard. As 360° Feedback providers we have been responsible for the design, customisation and administration of the analytics behind great leadership and development programmes for over 15 years Easy and Simple I don’t know about you, but I have never come across software or services making a virtue of how […]


Friday, 5 May 2012

Crunchbase We have just spent the last few months trying to understand how best to integrate Social Media into our business and I thought that I would share our experience and learning as complete beginners to the process. Little is best and least is perfect – Choose one platform at a time (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ etc) and become a […]