
How to Choose the Right Psychometric Test for Your Needs

Saturday, 6 June 2013

Psychometrics are only useful if they are valid and relevant to your business. One of the biggest mistakes managers make when investing in psychometrics is choosing tests that are inappropriate or invalid for their business.

Not all tests are the same and pricing, software, analysis and support can vary widely. Before choosing a psychometric to measure, make sure you are working with a reputable provider who will both provide you with a well-constructed test and advise you on the type of testing that will be most beneficial to you.

Selecting a psychometric tool

Different types of tests measure different psychometrics and you first need to decide whether you are more concerned about personality, values, abilities or strengths.

Personality tests can provide useful information for practically any organisation. They can help managers to make decisions about team roles and fit, identify opportunities for staff development, categorise learning and communication styles and anticipate how people will behave in different situations.

Interest tests can be very helpful for identifying employee motivation and planning career development and training programmes.

Ability or aptitude tests are split into several further categories and not all may be relevant to your business. Mechanical reasoning tests, for example, may be very useful for use in engineering roles or those requiring a technical skill, but will be mostly irrelevant to a data administration role

Factors for judging a psychometric test

Price will always be part of the equation for managers struggling to balance their budgets but cheap psychometric tests may result in an ultimately bigger price to pay. If you put value into the theory behind psychometrics, it’s important to invest in a well-developed solution. However the most expensive software is not always the best and different providers also have different pricing models such as pay per use and subscription based. It’s best to shop around a little to investigate different options.

Design is also an important factor to consider. A well-designed test will result in more accurate results. You should also bear in mind how easy the test is to set up and administer and whether it requires supervision to complete. Some organisations may prefer internet-based tests for accessibility, while others will want access to the software restricted to those who are on the business premises.

Equally important as the test itself is the report resulting from the compiled data. Reports should be relevant, easy to understand and represent detailed data in a clear format such as graphs and charts.

Technical information such as validity, reliability and normative data should be included with the test and be backed up with evidence.

For more information on choosing psychometric tests to achieve your goals effectively, please visit PsyMart

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