
Tuesday, 10 October 2018

Organisations that use 360 degree feedback as both an employee development tool and a performance appraisal tool may think they will enjoy all the benefits of a closed loop, efficient system that measures, informs and helps to develop all layers of the business, however they should think again. As a development tool, 360 degree feedback focuses on competencies and behaviours […]


Monday, 9 September 2018

Although the word crisis might seem hyperbolic, evidence points to a worrying state of affairs in many organisations. Oxford Economics published a revelatory survey on workforce in 2020, which found that companies are failing to manage and harness the talent of their employees effectively. Oxford Economics and SAP quizzed more than 2,700 and an equal number of employees in 27 […]


Wednesday, 6 June 2018

The issue of inappropriate board behaviour leading to the spectacular downfall of businesses large and small has been a regular feature of the business landscape since time immemorial. Those that make the headlines become the catalysts for the next merry go round of public indignation, press repudiation and political machination. There have been several deep and serious public enquiries within […]


Monday, 4 April 2018

This is a summary of our GDPR journey and the most significant learning points we had with data protection. For those of you who just like to skip to the end, here’s a quick list. It is predicated on the assumption that like us, you already believe you are doing a good job in terms of both the letter and […]


Thursday, 8 August 2017

Performance in the workplace is tough to assess. Too often, bosses hold onto vague judgements about how “hard working” or “enthusiastic” an employee is, or how good they are at “leadership”.In this warped world of subjective judgement, anecdotes make the evidence. Start scraping away at strongly held beliefs that bosses have about staff and often their reasons for thinking about […]


Thursday, 6 June 2017

Performance management is a task dreaded by many and performed well by few. The good news is that there are a selection of very common pitfalls. If you identify these and conscientiously avoid them, then you are already ahead of the game. Here are three common errors and how to avoid them: Mistake 1: Seeing performance management process as an […]


Wednesday, 6 June 2017

Using an administered 360 degree feedback service has the potential to create a positive shift within any organization. A 360 feedback system is basically a resource for organizations and businesses to measure the competence of the organization as well as its employees. The system is designed to provide feedback for employees from their peers and managers in a completely confidential fashion. […]


Tuesday, 1 January 2017

There is no doubt that 360 Feedback or multi-rater feedback suffers a mixed press. How is it that some organisations champion its use and others are sceptical of any benefit at all from the process? The research over the years in general points to minor gains from the use of 360 Feedback, and yet it continues to grow in use […]


Monday, 8 August 2015

Mens sana in corpore sano: “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. We’ve learned to think about the workplace in similar terms: a happy, efficient worker is the key to an organisation that is similarly sound. Little wonder then that so many companies now prioritise employee engagement as a fundamental factor influencing how the firm performs. Employee engagement is all […]


Monday, 6 June 2015

What is Big Data? Big data. It’s the most important buzz phrase in tech right now. The term does exactly what it says on the tin; big data just means lots and lots of complex data. So much of it in fact that conventional data processing or analysis applications are rendered totally inadequate. Zeal for big data and the advanced […]